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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nail Polish Rack For My Daughter Savannah

My daughter like nail polish and was running out of room to put them, so after I made my cubbie for my copics, and I had made Parkers book shelves I know I could make her something for the nail polish. So off we went I had her pick a color she liked it was pink, here is the front and the back before I painted it I used spray paint for this project.
 Here is the back of the nail polish holder it's hard to tell but its pink.
 Here it is looks a little funny with the back drop of the hearts but that's my Valentines decor. I still have not put it up in her room yet I keep asking her where she wants it but no response thats a teenager for you, but she did say thankyou and she was happy about it, I hope to get it up soon, maybe i'll just put it up one weekend when she at her dads.